FALL REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!SIMPLY BEGINNERSTuesday nights 8 p.m.A great way to begin your belly dance journey! This Tuesday night class provides the opportunity for a good foundation in belly dance. Lessons are at slower pace allowing the beginner to absorb more of what they learn. There is no performance involved. All sequences are for fun and practice! Get fit, get strong and explore your musical side.AALIYAH TROUPE INTERMEDIATE PERFORMANCE CLASSThursday nights at 8 p.m.Love a challenge?Love to dance?Aaliyah troupe class is a faster paced class maintaining a focus on technical and performance skills. Performances will be at the discretion of instructor. Rehearsal attendance is mandatory. Special choreography fees apply. Costume fees are due in January.Simply Beginners class is a pre-requisite unless assessed by instructor.For more information: 613-213-9831